Filed under: family,just because,kiddos,love,portraits — admin at 11:30 am on Wednesday, September 29, 2021

This is my cousin’s daughter. She is about the same age that my cousin was when I went to college.

So – Vanessa is forever THIS age in my head. It’s very hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that she has a daughter that age!!

Vanessa asked if we could meet at World’s End – and as much as we love creek exploring – we haven’t been there yet!

We happened to schedule our session on Vanessa’s birthday. Her 25th birthday.

Which means that I fell in love with photographing people 25 years ago.

I was 15 and I vividly remember her being born. She changed our lives.

My sister and I spent SO much time babysitting her and toting her around.

I took photography in high school and they became my first subjects! They being Vanessa and her brother Zach – who is a year younger than her!

I’ve got more to show – including WATERFALL photos!!


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