We decided to wait until Memorial Day weekend to have Fitzy’s party – cus ya know – it would be nice out.
It was freezing. Like – see your breath freezing!
Thankfully my family is awesome and we made it work – wrapped in blankets and sweatshirts!
Samm and I spent most of the day Friday making cupcakes and cake pops. It was really pretty easy – and tons of fun!
The roosters are my favorite!
My dear friend Aszur – from Aszur Photography – took all the party photos for us!
This was the second to last present for Fitzy to open. The last present was ours. A BIG BROTHER shirt – to announce our surprise. I’ve been planning this moment in my head for a month! In my mind it was sunny and we were outside on the lawn – not bundled up in the pavilion.
I made a mental check – my mom was right there – RIGHT THERE – holding Fitzy. I saw Brenda and Brian. I went to get my dad and my Aunt Lori – who was on her way to the warm house. She trudged back to the pavilion and dad came in. It was time.
I turned my back to get the little shirt.
And in that moment – my mom left. She leaned to my sister and said – this is his last present. I HAVE to go to the bathroom. Can you watch him? I was so focused on that little shirt and the excitement of what was about to come – I didn’t even see her leave!
I handed the shirt to Fitzy and said – ask Aunt Sammy to read it for you. Samm looked at the shirt and then at me – then at the shirt and then at me. She said – ARE YOU SERIOUS? I said – we are 13 weeks. And the screaming started! Later – my mom tells me she heard the screaming and just thought Fitzy must have gotten an awesome present! WHAT!
Brenda came running over to hug me and ask the important questions. Is everything okay? You’ve had an ultrasound? Yes. And we heard a heartbeat. Samm hit me. I think we shocked EVERYONE! You can watch their reactions here!
I read the text that we got from Dave Fitzgerald – and I’ve already included in my blog twice – but here it is again.
You will get pregnant again. And even though you will default in your minds that you will probably miscarry – oh no. You will have a healthy child – possibly twins! It will be huge and massive BUT you must keep it to yourselves and announce at the END of the first trimester. This is a promise from God. God is NOT done with you. He’s just starting. You need to tuck this word on your hearts and cover it. It will be a massive testimony and will restore relationships, friendships, and family ties in ways you never thought possible. It’s going to be mammoth. It will be full circle. Both of your families will be remarkably astounded at what God will do through you in this next pregnancy. BUT you MUST NOT announce it until the end of the 1st trimester. Not even to close friends or family. YOU MUST WAIT!
I honestly feel stronger about this than the word I gave you for Fitzy! You can’t even tell me when you first find out – I will already know. You can’t tell ANYONE! BELIEVE IT! RECEIVE IT! ACT! God is good and will be massively glorified through it. Save these messages for confirmation and documentation. Not for me – but so that we can honor Christ Jesus & God’s ridiculous faithfulness. He is good. He is really REALLY good!
THEN – my mom came back out. Thankfully Aszur captured her reaction!
Samm is saying – DO YOU GET IT! Mom was pretty shocked. Very shocked actually. I’m pretty sure she still doesn’t believe me.
It was perfect. Really. Not at all how it happened in my head – but perfect nonetheless.
I am SO happy that secret is out! I am so happy that the people we love were there to share it with us!
Thank you to EVERYONE that came to Fitzy’s party! Thank you for the gifts and the love and the prayers and the hugs.
I am so blessed to be a part of this CRAZY family!