Filed under: . babies . babies . babies .,an hour in the life,babes,family,lifestyle — admin at 10:51 am on Thursday, April 18, 2019

I always make sure to get these shots – because you’ll forget they ever happened!!


I don’t think I mentioned it – but Shalane and I bonded over our love of all things nerdy (and pop-culture-y) and our love for Jesus!

I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my squishy!

Shalane & Brent – I AM SO OVERJOYED for you both! THANK YOU for asking me into your hearts and your home!!


Filed under: . babies . babies . babies .,an hour in the life,babes,family,lifestyle — admin at 10:35 am on Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I wear your granddad’s clothes. I look incredible.




Filed under: . babies . babies . babies .,an hour in the life,family,lifestyle,newborns — admin at 10:56 am on Tuesday, April 16, 2019

I met Shalane on the interwebs somehow – FACEBOOK probably! She has always submitted a family for BEAUTIFUL and has the sweetest of souls.

They’ve been married for 15 years and she’s been on my mommas in wanting list since I’ve known her.

AND NOW – NOW they have their own little baby in their own little house!!

I’m always amazed at how teeny tiny newborns are – even though I’ve had two of my own!!

When I told Shalane that her baby shower gift was a session – she said she would LOVE an “hour in the life” session once their baby boy was home!

That might be my FAVORITE shot!!


I LOVE THAT – his momma can’t get enough of him – holding that tiny little hand!!

Stay tuned for the rest of their session – because – as usual – I took TOO many photos!!




Filed under: an hour in the life,family,just because,kiddos,lifestyle — admin at 11:21 am on Monday, April 15, 2019




Maybe – MAYBE we’ll get ONE shot!!

LOOK AT THAT – EVERYBODY is looking in the same direction!

Cindy – THANK YOU so much for asking me to photograph your family year after year!!


Filed under: adoption,an hour in the life,family,just because,kiddos,lifestyle — admin at 11:57 am on Friday, April 12, 2019

I’ve been taking pictures of Cindy and her family for a few years now!

We met on a beautiful April afternoon and captured their family exactly as it is!!


Stay tuned for the rest of their session!!


Filed under: bardenisms,my family,my town,newsworthy,project,word of God — admin at 12:55 am on Wednesday, April 10, 2019

That’s an AMAZING transformation!!

I’ve been listening to LOOK UP CHILD by LAUREN DAIGLE on REPEAT.

There is usually an album that speaks to me during the hard seasons of life – and this one is speaking volumes recently.

I sing the songs – I know most of the words – but I don’t always REALIZE what I’m saying. This afternoon while I was singing – I spoke these words –

Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low?
Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know

You know that I’ve been hurting recently. It was a really low low.

I had said that the last time I cried like I did – our marriage was in a pile on the floor. It’s strange to compare your house falling apart to your marriage falling apart – but …


Jared and I were talking the other day – about this house and my attitude – and we talked about TRUST – which I blogged about last time – and the time before that …

And I told him – I feel like I’m grieving the life I thought we would have right now.

We’ve made smart financial decisions. We’ve never had “bad” debt. We paid off our student loans. We now have a small loan on the JEEP we just bought to replace our other jeep. We have a mortgage and then a loan to do the things this house has needed over the almost 15 years we’ve been here.

We will be celebrating FIFTEEN years of marriage in June and we were going on a trip – it didn’t matter where as long as there was a crystal clear beach and a hammock or two.

I saved last year to go on that trip – but now – we’re getting a new foundation instead.


In Labyrinth – Sarah says to the goblin king Jareth – IT’S NOT FAIR! He responds with – you say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is.

BUT – that’s what I want to do. STOMP MY FEET and SCREAM that it’s not fair.

Jared encouraged – challenged me – cus let’s me honest – for a glass half-empty girl – it’s a challenge – to find the good amidst the bad.

You might not know this – but you probably do – I have a tattoo on my arm that says – THAT DEEP AND LOVELY DARK WE’D NEVER SEE THE STARS WITHOUT IT.

I literally have it permanently inked onto my skin as a reminder. Because I really do believe that life is mostly about the hard stuff – but there are pinpricks of light.

Last week I backed into someone in my driveway – I didn’t see him – because I NEVER look behind me in my own driveway in the middle of the day.

The light – we are both under the same insurance – so the deductible is waived. AND our insurance won’t go up.

We had no idea the foundation on the house was an issue – until it was ripped apart. Repairing the foundation – building a deck – siding the entirety of the house – two new windows – a new door – and a new dining room added to the existing kitchen. Typing all that gives me serious anxiety. When I think about ALL the things that NEED to be done. Not anything that we were WANTING – all the things we would like to have are now being replaced with the bare minimum of what we NEED to have. And we have – HAD – a strict budget – with no options on taking out MORE loans.

The light – I happen to be friends with and work for our contractor. He’s got leftover things in his shop that we can use. He’s doing all that he can to make this work for us.

And it’s really hard for me to find that. And really see it. While I see that there are shining lights in the deep and lovely dark – WHY DID IT HAVE TO HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!?

I’ve told you that I’m a control freak right!? I WANT THE CONTROL. I want to see the unseen. I would like to tell you that I absolutely trust God – but I want Him to tell me HOW IT IS ALL GOING TO WORK OUT. And not just work out – but work out for good.

Do you remember when I wrote about happiness vs. holiness?

The whole it’s not fair thing – really – in comparison to what?! To who?!

God cares far more about our holiness than He does our happiness.

And that’s a PAINFUL realization.

This is the current view of our backyard from my living room. I can really say that I can’t wait to show you the FINAL view.

However – gaining control over your thoughts and outlook – it’s NOT easy – at least not for me!!

But – every day I am trying to find the shining light through the dark.

And because I know that I am not alone in the valley right now – WHAT IS YOUR SHINING LIGHT IN YOUR SEASON OF DARK RIGHT NOW?!




Filed under: bardenisms,family,my family,my town,newsworthy,the marriage fight,word of God — admin at 12:19 pm on Saturday, April 6, 2019

BEFORE – DURING – DURING – there will be lots of these during pictures I’m sure.

That jutty out part on the left – WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT THING!?

So – it had to come out – which revealed so much. Too much.

Revelations. Peeling back the UGLY layers to reveal … more ugly. Brokenness.

There is only one answer to this problem.


And I know that it’s ALWAYS the answer. I feel like in so many situations – you CAN do something.

There has to be an answer. But – there is not a tangible one.  One I can see and touch. One I can feel.

A friend commented on my last blog about this house –

“Especially after this part. “The glass isn’t only half empty but the water has also run out.”

The desert. Harsh and unforgiving.The desert has always signified trial. 40 years in the desert for God’s people, certainly one long and arduous trial.

This house may be your desert. The place where you come to the end of yourself. Where you run out of Danielle reserves. Let it.

“Because the thing that makes the desert so beautiful is that somewhere, there hides a well”.

And we have hope in that living water.

And once you are out of your own way, Jesus can fill that part with cool, clear, life giving water. Brutal, heart wrenching honesty leads to immeasurable growth. Keep going.”

I’m sure that this house IS my desert. And the thought of that …

And yet another friend –

“I love the story of Hagar in the desert. She’s taken her baby son to a dry and desolate place to die alone, but God… He calls to her, tells her His plan for her survival, and prophecies the great destiny that awaits her once she-and this is the hard part-returns to her place in the house of an unsympathetic and harsh master. For the first time in her life she feels seen. Really seen, and known, and loved! And it all came when she was at her lowest point. Amazing!!!”

I don’t know how to be hopeful right now. I don’t know how to live moment to moment. I don’t know how to trust.

I’m here. In the desert. For a long time.


Filed under: beautiful — admin at 11:13 am on Monday, April 1, 2019

It’s not only the TENTH anniversary of BARDEN PHOTOGRAPHY actually being in business – it’s also the TENTH year I’ve been doing the BEAUTIFUL CONTEST!!!

I heard from 14 of you – sharing your story about the people you love. THANK YOU!!

I don’t know if I’ve told you this before – but I narrow it down to about 5 people and then I let someone else decide.

She doesn’t know the names of the people submitting. And she usually doesn’t know the people IN the submissions.

It doesn’t get any easier year after year – maybe a bit harder!

THIS YEAR – the winner of BEAUTIFUL – David & Ericka!!

Their submission just resonated with me. There was something about them.

AND – I found out that my mystery helper felt that their submission spoke to her too!


THANK YOU SO MUCH for submitting the people you love. MAKE SURE YOU TELL THEM HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THEM!!!

And don’t forget to check your messenger or e-mail for a special deal for the families that were submitted to BEAUTIFUL!