I don’t like birthdays – let me specify – I don’t like MY birthday!
I have never understood the “big deal” about birthdays – it is just another day.
Why do we get presents on our birthdays – shouldn’t our parents be getting the gift – especially mom?
I married into a birthday family – they LOVE birthdays!
I thought I would chronicle my past few birthdays …
2005 – my 24th birthday – I was working as an Aide at Phoenix with Jared’s cousin Alyssa and she pulled off QUITE the surprise!
She arranged for a cheesecake and Jared and his mom to come down over lunch to surprise me – pretty sure I cried but can’t remember why!
Then she took me for a surprise trip – I thought it was to get something pierced. It wasn’t.
We went to Old Navy – I think – and she bought me a few cute tops then to the Olive Garden where my parents, Jared, Jared’s parents, Cody (I think), Alyssa’s parents, and Sassy & Andy were waiting for us!
I hope I didn’t leave anyone out that was there – Jared’s parents got me the long lens that I had wanted to badly – it was one of the best birthdays ever!
2006 – my 25th birthday – I had started with my jaw pain in March and felt like absolute poo all the time – I am pretty sure we were supposed to do something on my birthday but I didn’t feel well at all.
I don’t have any pictures from 2007 and can’t even tell you what happened that year – I have no idea!
2008 – my 27th birthday – we had a meal with Jared’s parents …
Still feeling like absolute poo from my jaw – especially this time of year!
2009 – my 28th birthday – oh goodness!
This birthday is hard – I wanted to be pregnant on my 28th birthday so badly – my mom had me when she was 18 – I feel 10 years behind!
But seriously – it’s been a sad birthday since I wanted to be pregnant today.
This morning I did dishes and cut open my finger on my Captain Kirk glass and subsequently had to cancel my manicure – BOO!
I ran some errands and watched Indiana Jones – the newest one – ‘cus it is amazingly cheesetastic!
We went to dinner at the Chinese place tonight and saw Night at the Museum – and it has turned out to be an okay day!
Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes!
Yesterday we had lunch with Jared’s parents and a little cake …
I still feel a little crappy this time of year with my arthritis in my jaw – but 100 times better than the past few birthdays!