Jared and I are friends with a GREAT couple – who also share the J and D combination. Jared and Dave went to the same high school and have known eachother for a long time. Our friendship began one night in Wal*mart when we ran into Dave and he told us that he was getting married to an amazing girl Jenna. They needed a wedding photographer – what luck. :). They came over and looked at my portfolio and said – let’s do it. They were married December of 2006 and we quickly became great friends. They had a sweet baby boy in November and shortly after that Dave went to Afghanistan with the Army. Dave and Jenna are quite younger than us – yet I look up to them and admire them quite a bit. Jenna is being a wonderful mommy while Dave is serving our country. They are focused on God and His direction in their lives. Their love for God, eachother, their child, and this country is incredible. Dave is home on leave for 2 weeks and they wanted some family photos.
Here is a photo from their wedding …
And last night …
This one is an outtake but I couldn’t resist …
He is quite possibly the cutest baby ever.
Yankees fans ??
Thank you Dave for serving our country.
Please pray for Dave, Jenna, and their little one – along with all the soldiers and their families.
Jared got to hold Micah while Jenna & Dave had their pictures taken. He was amazed at how good he was, how cute he is, and especially how heavy he is. He told Jenna she must have arms of steel.
We are blessed with GREAT friends and the reminder of what a MIGHTY God we serve.
Thank you Dave and Jenna.