What can I say about KT?
I met KT through one of my good friends – they were dating at the time and she was in college at MU. We became close friends and have remained so to this day! KT lived with us for her student teaching semester – and we are still friends! KT and I are very much alike – we are both perfectionists – we are both RIGHT – we are both stubborn – we are “outspoken” to say the least – we are both passionate.
KT’s family has made Jared and I feel so at home. We went to the rehearsal on Friday night and stayed at KT’s gram’s house – where she made us breakfast in the morning! Saturday morning I went to the salon to catch some shots of KT getting ready then we checked into our room at the Benn Conger Inn. The BLUE room – Jared was in heaven – WI-FI – air conditioning – golf on TV – AHHHH the life!
I took some shots of the property and explored – all the while KNOWING that the weather would hold off.
KT arrived – a calm and excited bride – then the pictures began!

There are SO SO SO many photos that I would love to post in this blog – but I just can’t – they are all in the WITH THIS RING GALLERY and on my FACEBOOK!
Isn’t she GORGEOUS!


Chase took this photo of Jared and I with KT – almost forgot to get one!
I have ALWAYS wanted to do pictures of a bride jumping on the bed – and our BLUE room was perfect for the occasion!

KT & Chase – we love you so much! Thank you for your patience and ideas and input and most of all your FRIENDSHIP!