Filed under: . babies . babies . babies .,babes,family,just because,kiddos,love,portraits — admin at 12:13 pm on Monday, June 30, 2014

I just LOVE Kelly & Dane – and now their sweet little man *C*!

I went to visit him in the hospital. I brought my camera. Of course.

Look at that little chin! I can’t get enough!

Oh sweet boy!

Baby boys and their mommas. Can’t get enough!

I am SO excited to capture this year for you! So excited about your sweet family!


Filed under: babes,baby barden,bardenisms,just because,kiddos,my family — admin at 12:06 am on Monday, June 30, 2014

Pictures. Of my sweet boys. Enoch was 5 months. Fitzy had just turned 3 years. They are awesome.

Melts my heart!



Filed under: just because,my family,portraits,seniors — admin at 2:40 pm on Saturday, June 28, 2014

My cousin Vanessa came to visit over her spring break and we took some quick photos! She is NOW a high school graduate! WHAT!?

Where on EARTH does time go?

I love you dear girl! Whatever you do – do it with everything you have!


Filed under: baby barden,bardenisms,holiday,just because,kiddos,my family — admin at 6:30 pm on Friday, June 27, 2014

My mom and Enoch. He’s so cute. I can’t stand it.

On Easter – Victory Church in Troy asked me to come take some shots of their service for the website! I was so excited – and nervous!

My parents and Jared’s parents came with us to watch the kiddos. Fitzy is pretty easy – but Enoch is very attached to me – so we had to have a lot of hands ready!

Oh that boy! He is such a darling!



Filed under: babes,baby barden,bardenisms,just because,kiddos,my family — admin at 11:30 am on Thursday, June 26, 2014

Just because they’re cute!

Seriously. So cute.


Filed under: baby barden,bardenisms,holiday,just because,kiddos,my family,newsworthy,parties — admin at 5:09 pm on Wednesday, June 25, 2014

May 1st was the last time I blogged – I’ve NEVER been this far behind! But I WILL catch up!

Fitzy is three (and a little bit at this point). I am now the momma of a three year old. That’s crazy!

We had an easter egg hunt with some of his friends from playgroup and MOPS on Friday morning. It was SO fun! 10 boys! They ran around and hunted eggs and painted pictures and opened presents! And I didn’t take a single picture. Because I’m trying to enjoy and not be behind the lens all the time!

On Saturday we had a family party with an easter egg hunt and some painting again!

5 months. He is 5 months old in this picture. Insanity. He’s SO huge! (He’s only gotten bigger!)

He LOVES LOVES LOVES guys. We separate them into piles. Good guys. Bad guys. Girls. Little guys that Enoch would choke on. All day. Every day.

Nailed that cake right? It’s a beautiful hot mess – that Fitzy made. He is all about doing everything himself. So he does. And it’s awesome!

Our attempt at a family picture. Ha.

Wait – maybe this one?

Well – at least we can get one of us!

Aunt Sammy!

I assure you – he does cry!

Samm’s hubby Xavier made the trip home this time! Enoch LOVED him!

On Fitzy’s actual birthday – I took some photos of the boys.


I might have to get a canvas of that shot on the left! Sweet sweet boy!

Fitzy is fantastic with Enoch! And Enoch adores Fitzy!

Fitzgerald – you are an amazing kiddo! You help me to calm down. You have a giant heart – just like your daddy. You sing and dance. You are the silliest boy I’ve ever known. You are my kind-hearted boy. I love you. So much.