Filed under: . babies . babies . babies .,babes,baby barden,bardenisms,birth,expecting,just because,kiddos,love,my family,my town — admin at 12:59 pm on Sunday, January 27, 2013

Recently I had to purge my life of FACEBOOK for a month. There are SO many reasons – FACEBOOK being a giant time waster – ignoring my child – ignoring my house – ignoring Jared – caring too much what people thought (which is something I’ve never dealt with) – and jealousy.

Jealousy was a BIG one. I really really really want to be happy in the house we live in. It’s slowly coming along. But I was getting VERY jealous of our friends that have the houses they loved – finding houses the loved. Cus in my mind the grass is ALWAYS greener – and usually on FACEBOOK you only see the grass is greener parts of life. It was bringing me down – not at the fault of any of our friends – totally mine.

Oh – and babies. While I truly love and feel called to pray for my mommas in wanting and being connected to them through FACEBOOK – I was getting really jealous of friends that were having blessings (and angry with the ones that complained about it) – so I needed to remove myself.

I’ve since rejoined the world of FACEBOOK – but I use the “remove from news feed” button. A lot. I understand that it’s not the BEST way to get over my issues – but it’s a start. A start to focus on the blessings that are in my life. Right. Now.

2012 SUCKED – basically like every other year it seems. But it really sucked. Such is my life – is what I tell Jared. He hates it. But sadly – it’s the truth. People have asked me why I stand by my faith in God when everything just seems to be craptastic. Why do I keep giving when it seems that all I get is more crap.

If this is the fate I have following God and giving – I’d hate to see what lies ahead without.

This year my goal is to count my blessings – not my sorrows – cus there will always be sorrows – but I really want to focus on the blessings. If that means that I have to take a FACEBOOK break – so be it. If that means that I have to write our blessings down – one by one – and put them in a jar – it will happen.




Comment by Brenda barden

January 27, 2013 @ 2:06 pm

Wonderfully written, once again:) Focusing on the positive, and blessings rather than curses, does not come naturally. As you continue to walk along that path it will get easier and what an example for Fitzy! Go Danielle!!!:)


Comment by Trudy

January 27, 2013 @ 2:54 pm

Oh danielle! Such a good idea. I pray 2013 will be a year FULL of blessings! Love you!


Comment by alyssa northcutt

January 28, 2013 @ 5:31 pm

I try and remind myself daily of our blessings, as I see others getting to live their dream jobs, have what seem like wonderful lives with no psycho crazy jobs to worry about their hubbys doing .. and then I remind myself agagin we are blessed. blessed to have another day to have our health our parents money for food and cars that run and our precious family. in the grand scheme of things those little things that make us crazy dont matter 😀 Love you keep on focusing on the positive Im right there with you ! xox

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