Filed under: bardenisms — admin at 12:34 pm on Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I have always had a headache – mostly my whole life – as long as I can remember. The really bad migraines started at 5 – throwing up, sensitivity to light and noise, sleeping every moment of my life away. I can remember missing Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with my grandparents on more than one occasion. My dad would stay home with me while I slept in a dark room with a cold washcloth on my head. Washcloths became a MUST every night when I went to bed. My mom would massage that spot between my thumb and first finger. My brother and sister learned to be quiet while I slept – almost every night after school.

Once school started – every day of my life consisted of getting a headache toward the end of the day – pushing through it – coming home on the bus and praying that I could wait to throw up when I get off the bus – cus it was way too embarrassing on the bus. I would make it home and my mom would put me in pj’s and give me a washcloth and a tub – in case I had to throw up again – and massage my hands till I fell asleep. I would wake up at 6 or 7 and eat toast and maybe dinner on a good night – mom would help me with homework and by then another headache was coming on. I would go to sleep and wake up in the morning to do it all again.

The doctor told my mom to keep me away from chocolate and caffeine – which helped – sometimes. We tried different tests – with nothing. Someone suggested that my mom take me to a chiropractor – we found out that my legs were not the same length – significantly. I wore – and still wear orthotics – and the headaches slowly got better. I still had a headache every day – but not a migraine. I asked my sister and brother recently if they have or had headaches. Samantha hardly ever had them growing up – but does now. Derek says he always had and still has a headache – but not migraines. My mom gets headaches and my dad gets migraines. I always told my mom that if I knew that my children had headaches like I did – I wouldn’t have them. I don’t know how my mom dealt with watching me go through that and taking care of me for so long – without losing her mind!

My pain tolerance grew with each headache I had. I thought it would be the worst pain I ever went through – then my TMJ pain started. There were times when I am sure that without Jared keeping me sane – I would have killed myself without knowing what I was doing. I was delirious and in complete and utter pain – worse than I have ever felt in my life. I was working at the PT clinic at that point and started to have more of an understanding toward the patients that came in those doors absolutely miserable. I started to realize that I needed to adjust to my jaw pain like my headaches – realize that it might always be there but could be less in severity – like my headaches.

I know that God can heal me – from my headaches and my TMJ pain – I know that. I also know that in the meantime I need to adjust to living with pain.

While I understand people living with chronic pain a little more – the one thing it does do is turns down my sympathy button for complaining people. When and if I voice that I don’t feel well – it means I DO NOT FEEL WELL – like cannot move my head without it exploding. When Jared complains of something – I don’t say anything – when he complains for the 3rd time I ask him what he needs me to do – take him to the hospital or what? When I am in constant pain of some form – it’s hard for me to understand why others don’t just suck it up and deal. It’s something that I am working on and asking Jesus for guidance.

I know that I am sympathetic – when the situation calls for it – even though some I know would disagree!

As the birth of Fitzy approaches – I think about the pain – and how it can’t be THAT bad seeing as how I have lived with pain most of my life. I think about being sympathetic with my child over his pain – and praying that my heart grows in size when he is born!



Comment by Brownwyn

February 2, 2011 @ 12:52 pm

you might actually LOVE having an epidural….if done right you wont feel anything. But from someone who suffers from migraines(ones that send you to the hospital) and headaches A LOT! labor is not an easy task. I would have easily taken a migraine.

Either way: I can sympathize with you about the headaches and migraines. they are debilitating. Have you ever considered going to see an osteopath. Similar to a chiro’s way of thinking but definitely is starting to change a lot of things in me. The time between pain is increasing.

I hope you continue to have the attitude you do! Its what has gotten you this far.
Can’t wait to see you in April!!!!


Comment by nikkii

February 2, 2011 @ 5:48 pm

I can relate to your migraines/headaches. I have had a migraine and or headache everyday of my life for the past two years. I have undergone blood tests, ct scan, and numerous drugs to try and relieve some of the pain. I have seen a chiropractor, neurologists, my regular doctor, many doctors on a walk in, and had trips to the ER because of them. Most of the medicines they tried did not work for me. Maybe a week of relief but then the migraines were back, as well as some crazy side effects that I just couldnt handle. I have been to the dentist, TMJ specialists and still have no answers why. I did get headaches growing up and occasionally a migraine but not everyday. In September I had a migraine for 14 days straight (usually I get a few hours or maybe half a day break in between them) and went to a walkin appt. where I saw a resident. She consulted with her Dr. and I was trying out a new medicine, nortiptylline. This was the best relief ever! I could go three days without a headache and a week without a migraine! It felt amazing to live life again! Unfortunatly this is not something you can take while pregnant or breast feeding. But some things I have found to help me in the onset of one is for someone to give you a good kneck & shoulder massage. really deep and tense massage. Not a light touched massage they really need to get in there. Work it from your shoulders all the way up to the base of your spine in your neck. My husband sometimes gets restless bc I need him to give me a massage for ten minutes, and like you I feel no sympathy because until he has lived under the rath of a migraine the way I have I feel he should just do what helps, as I would for him. I hope that soon you may find some sort of relief. And I have done a lot of research since getting these and studies have shown that they are hereditary, unfortunatly. And I have found that there are so many people out there just like us! I thought I was the only one missing important events and family time. It doesnt make me feel like a good person that Im glad there is others out there that suffer everyday, but it makes me feel less alone and better that Im not the only one with no answers. Keep your head up! And as always, you can think that there are always those that are worse off than us!

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