We are 25 weeks pregnant today! Which means we only have 15 weeks left!! That’s 105 days! OH MY WORD!
At our appointment last week I was right on target with my belly at 24 cm. I still need to eat first thing in the morning or else I get sick. Most nights I wake up and eat in the middle of the night – I have bananas and donuts right next to the bed! I’ve also started getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom – which means it’s tough to fall back asleep after that. I am exhausted and getting sore – but other than that – feeling good!
A few weeks ago I started to feel real movement! I was editing when I saw my belly bounce! Yesterday – Jared really felt him move for the first time! I love feeling him bounce around in there – it makes me stop and say a prayer of thankfulness!
I am looking forward to Saturday morning cuddling with Jared, Schrute, and Fitzy! I am so excited about holding our baby boy and seeing his face! I hope he has his dadda’s eyes and lips – his heart and his laugh!
My clients (friends) are so amazing – giving gifts for Fitzy when I have a session with them! Thank you so much everyone!!
Here are the comparative photos at 15 and 20 and 25 weeks!
Thank you again to everyone who reads my blog, supports my photography, and rejoices with us over this miracle!