Filed under: baby barden,bardenisms — admin at 4:27 pm on Monday, July 13, 2009

Ella & Krista spent the night Tuesday the 7th – for a girls night!

We made necklaces and cards and watched Disney movies.

On the way to our house Ella was describing dinner and said – “dinner was so wonderful – let me tell you – it was a feast!”

I laughed and laughed – she was describing turkey sandwiches.

When we were making necklaces I was using the hay type stuff that I used for the wedding jewelry and Ella asked if it would start to smell in a week – cus it looked like hay to her!

She was such a trooper around Schrute – she was a little scared at first cus he was SO excited to see her – and thinks kids his height are either other dogs or play things. She fed him some treats once he sat and gave her a high five.

Once bedtime rolled around I laid upstairs with her till she fell asleep. Krista and Ella stayed in the “extra room” which has baby clothes and shoes and lamps and some other items that my mom and I had bought. Ella noticed the Pooh lamp and asked if the lamp was for my baby. She wanted to know if I missed my baby. She wanted to know why God decided to take my baby from me. I told her that I didn’t know. She told me that she thought God took my baby because it was an angel. Humans can’t have angel babies and God can’t have human babies – so He needed to take mine.

So sweet!

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