Filed under: at work,bardenisms,friends,just because,my family — admin at 1:35 pm on Tuesday, January 8, 2013

You know the rest right?

Then don’t say anything at all.

It’s my goal for 2013. Seriously. NO – SERIOUSLY.

I see SO many people on FACEBOOK whining and complaining about everybody else. The latest one was an area photographer complaining about the fact that EVERYONE is a photographer. Saying that the only people that deserve to be photographers are people with the right education and training. Other people joined in and named names about who they don’t like – who they don’t think deserves to be a photographer.

I’ve learned something recently when it comes to this business. PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELF.

There will always be more and more people popping up and creating competition. There will always be clients that leave and go to another photographer – clients you thought were VERY happy with your work. It sucks. It will continue to suck. But why are you in this business in the first place?

For me – it’s not about money. It’s great that I can supplement our income with this job – but for me it’s about connecting.

It’s about creating a beautiful memory for someone. A moment captured in time that will never happen again – not EXACTLY the same anyway. I believe that God has given me a gift – an eye for moments. Some of you might not agree – and that’s PERFECTLY fine.

It’s about creating a connection with someone – capturing your emotion with my lens.

While I need clients to make my business run and work – I also don’t need to convince everyone to choose me. If you are unhappy with the work I’ve given you – I’m truly sorry. It breaks my heart. If you are using a different photographer and you are happy – then I am happy.

In October I took the month off from FACEBOOK – it helped my work SO MUCH! I wasn’t focused on what everyone else was shooting – I was focused on what I was shooting. I wasn’t comparing myself to anyone. While I truly believe that we need to push ourselves and strive to be better – comparing ourselves does nothing but bring us down.

Instead of complaining about everyone else out there – GET OUT THERE! Push yourself. Know your strengths. Admit your weaknesses. Network with other photographers in your area – ones that you personally enjoy. I have a handful of people I refer to when I am unavailable. I would NEVER refer a client to someone I didn’t trust to do my own photos.

We are all in this together – this crazy thing called life. We can either fight and argue with each other (which believe me – I’ve done more than my fair share of) OR we can support and encourage each other. It’s YOUR choice.

I still suggest we all listen to the advice that Thumper’s dad told him in Bambi – “If you can’t say something nice – don’t say nothing at all.”

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