*D* family.

Filed under: kiddos,portraits — admin at 5:54 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

*T* contacted me after seeing my ad in the Pennysaver – YAY! – we had to cancel this session twice ‘cus of the wintery weather – but we finally got it in.







Little *T* is cute and SO active – he pointed out every truck that drove by. *T* and *K* – I had a great time – thanks so much.

Don’t forget to check out their album at http://bardenphotography.shutterfly.com under *D*.


Filed under: portraits — admin at 5:48 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

Right after *A* finished with her senior session she wanted some photos with her son and her sister – his godmother.




They are gorgeous girls …



Little *C* is so cute.







*A* – I had such a great time with you and your son and sister. You are a beautiful girl – inside and out. I can’t wait to see your sister for her senior pictures in a few years.

See their album at http://bardenphotography.shutterfly.com under *E* family.


Filed under: seniors — admin at 5:40 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

*A* is such a beautiful girl. She was so easy to photograph. I had to pick a little more than a few shots to showcase – but again – check out http://bardenphotography.shutterfly.com – the *E* senior book to look at all her pictures.








Thanks again *A* – I had so much fun!

Pumpkin carving …

Filed under: bardenisms — admin at 5:26 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

I have said before that I don’t like Halloween – but I LOVE carving pumpkins. This year I decided to make it more of a harvest pumpkin. A patient at the clinic gave me this pumpkin – it doesn’t even look real.



They were the biggest pumpkin seeds I have ever seen.



3 months married …

Filed under: portraits — admin at 5:17 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

I blogged about our weekend with *M* and *T* – here are a few of my favorite pictures.

Visit http://bardenphotography.shutterfly.com and view the *R* book to see all my favorites.






Can’t wait to see which one you guys pick for your cards!

*D* Family – Take II …

Filed under: portraits — admin at 5:10 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

The *D* family had me take their pictures a few weeks ago – so they might look familiar. Their daughter couldn’t get off work for the shoot but when they got the pictures back they decided they had to make a time to do them with her. I went up last week to shoot them all over again.

I have so MANY from this shoot that I would like to post – but visit http://bardenphotography.shutterfly.com and look at the *D* family book and *D* animals book.







Thanks again *D* family – see you next summer for senior pictures!


Filed under: babes — admin at 5:01 pm on Friday, October 31, 2008

Again – since I am so behind in posting – I am only going to pick a few of my favorite images from shoots to post.

For all my favorite shots visit http://bardenphotography.shutterfly.com and check out the cousins book.






I have taken pictures of little *M* before but this was the first of his cousin *R*. They were so cute and such fun to photograph.

Thanks *J* and *S*.

My latest works …

Filed under: gallery update — admin at 9:00 pm on Thursday, October 30, 2008

Until I find a better gallery to display my work – I am going to use an additional website. I use Shutterfly for all my photo storage and processing needs.

I make albums on Shutterfly and then display them on my Sfly site –


When you visit this site you can see all the albums that I have made and get an idea for what you can get. I am getting so behind with updating my blog with photo shoots since I am getting busier – which is GREAT – but not great for updating.

You can visit this page by checking my blogroll on the R hand side of my blog under my latest works.


As we’re sung to sleep …

Filed under: bardenisms,word of God — admin at 6:47 pm on Monday, October 27, 2008

“While You Were Sleeping”

Oh little town of Bethlehem
Looks like another silent night
Above your deep and dreamless sleep
A giant star lights up the sky
And while you’re lying in the dark
There shines an everlasting light
For the King has left His throne
And is sleeping in a manger tonight

Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
For God became a man
And stepped into your world today
Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King
While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

Oh little town of Jerusalem
Looks like another silent night
The Father gave His only Son
The Way, the Truth, the Life had come
But there was no room for Him in the world He came to save

Jerusalem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
The Savior of the world is dying on your cross today
Jerusalem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King
While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

United States of America
Looks like another silent night
As we’re sung to sleep by philosophies
That save the trees and kill the children
And while we’re lying in the dark
There’s a shout heard ‘cross the eastern sky
For the Bridegroom has returned
And has carried His bride away in the night

America, what will we miss while we are sleeping
Will Jesus come again
And leave us slumbering where we lay
America, will we go down in history
As a nation with no room for its King
Will we be sleeping
Will we be sleeping

United States of America
Looks like another silent night

– Casting Crowns

Weekend update …

Filed under: bardenisms — admin at 9:44 pm on Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friday night we went out to dinner with PM and the in-laws at Pizza Hut/Wing Street. We ate and then sat and chatted for about 20 minutes to a half an hour – the waiters had come and asked if they could clear the plates and cups a few times – but we didn’t think they need our table since the place was getting empty. The last time the waiter came up and asked if we needed anything else – we said no – why – do you need this table? He said – well we don’t but the people sitting behind you might. What he should have said to us was this – YES – you need to get up because the people cramming 6 people into a booth right behind your heads might like this table since they have been waiting since you ordered your food for this table. WE FELT LIKE SUCH JERKS. They didn’t seem too upset – but goodness – we felt so bad. Then PM came over to play Rock Band and wait with us for our friends Melissa and Tyler to get here. They had gone to see SAW Friday night and were coming down to our house for the weekend after the movie.

We hung out once they got here and then got up in the morning and just lounged around – so nice to do on Saturday mornings sometimes. We wanted to get some pictures for their Christmas cards this year – but the weather was NOT cooperating. The rain rain rain came down down down. We went to lunch and then came back home and ended up wathching an episode of Redneck Wedding on CMT – such amusement. I noticed the sun peeking out at about 5 so we quickly drove to the boat launch and bike trail and caught some just as the sun was setting – I will post those soon. PM came over – with a new guitar for Rock Band – and we jammed out.

This morning we all went to church and then Melissa and Tyler left for home – Melissa and Tyler got married early in August – they are the sunflowers and cornfield couple. I had a senior and family shoot combo at 1 at the *N* property – my trusty backdrop. *A* is a senior at Mansfield High who was awesome to shoot. She is gorgeous and so photogenic. She has a sweet son – *C* – who she wanted some pictures with – along with her sister. At 3 I had a photo session with the *D* family – and then the Harvest Dinner at church. It was a relaxing weekend to begin with and ended up quite busy.

I am always open to take as many photo shoots to get me started as I can – right now I have 8 weddings booked for next summer and 2 for next month. I have quite a few inquiries out there in regard to next year that I hope will pan out. This is the first time that I am announcing my long term plans in print for you all to see. I hope to be done at the clinic by March – I was hoping the first of the year – but I don’t have any bookings until May of ’09. I am praying that the Bridal Expo will really be a success. Thanks for ALL of you that support me in all the ways that you do.

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